He took the Captain as he was, and was fond of him, with his cheery heartlessness, his incapacity to think beyond a couple of thoughts, for which his skull was far too roomy, his insignificant love affairs and childish infatuations, and the pointless and unconnected remarks that came out of his mouth, seemingly at random. He was a mediocre officer, who didn't care about his comrades, his men, his career. Joseph Roth
Some Similar Quotes
  1. You see I kept asking myself then: why am I so stupid that if others are stupid–and I know they are–yet I won't be wiser? - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

  2. Silk is a fine, delicate, soft, illuminating, beautiful substance. But you can never rip it! If a man takes this tender silk and attempts to tear it, and cannot tear it, is he in his right mind to say "This silk is fake! I thought... - C. Joybell C.

  3. If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign? - Laurence J. Peter

  4. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. - George Carlin

  5. In politics, stupidity is not a handicap. - Unknown

More Quotes By Joseph Roth
  1. An indescribable sadness emanated from the white splendour of the staircase and balustrade; the blood-red, now almost black splendour of the carpets. The huge palms in their huge pots looked like they had recently arrived from the cemetery. Their dark green leaves also looked blackish,...

  2. They talk about prohibition in America. What can one do in a country such as that?   ' What does one do in America when one is sad - without alcohol?' asks Zwonimir.

  3. Anyone called upon to view misery will view criminality differently. All state officials should be required to spend a month serving in a homeless shelter to learn love.

  4. I might be capable of making figures that have heart, conscience, passion, emotion and decency. But there's no call for that at all in the world. People are only interested in monsters and freaks, so I give them their monsters. Monsters are what they want!

  5. I am not a man of my time. In fact I find it hard not to declare myself its enemy. Not, as I often remark, that I fail to understand it. My comment is merely a pious one. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>Because I am easy-going I...

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